Know your pay type


‘Pay Types’ segregate and categorise employee pays for payroll processing  

Getting started

Auto Pay (A1 or A2)                                             



Employees in this pay type generally work pre-determined hours and are paid these hours automatically each fortnight.

SA Health employees -  reference the True Auto Pay Guide to determine if you are a True or Not True Auto Pay employee. This will determine if you are required to submit timesheets or claims forms for payment. 

AUTO PAY (A1 or A2) - Pay Day & Period End (PPE) date:

  • Auto Pay - pay day is 1 day in advance of PPE date.

Rosters (R1 or R2)                                                                                                                     



Employees in this pay type use a non-fixed roster and are paid according to the information held within the time and attendance system e.g. ProAct (SA Health) and Kronos (DHS/DCP).

Data from the time and attendance system is submitted to Payroll Services each fortnight for processing in line with pay cut-off timeframes.

Pay Variations - Rosters R1 and R2

ROSTERS (R1 or R2) - Pay Day & Period End (PPE) date:

  • Roster - pay day is 7 days in arrears of PPE date.

Manual Timesheets (T1 or T2)                                                                                                                                       



Employees in this pay type submit manual timesheets to Payroll Services that record the actual hours worked, penalties/allowances and any leave taken for the pay period.

Payroll Services processes the submitted timesheets in line with pay cut-off time frames for payment.

MANUAL TIMESHEETS (T1 or T2) - Pay Day & Period End (PPE) date:

  • Manual Timesheets - pay day is 14 days in arrears of PPE date.

  • SAAS - pay day is 14 days in advance of PPE date. 

How to

You can determine your Pay Type within HR21 Self Service 

  1. Log in to HR21 

  2. Navigate to the payroll menu

  3. Select the HR21 Contact Card Icon

  4. Your Pay Type will display on the Contact Card.  Refer QRG My Pay Type

It is important employees submit timesheet and claims paperwork well in advance to avoid being under or overpaid due to missing pay cut-off timeframes. 
It is just as important employees do not submit a timesheet or claims form prior to their pay period end date.